Contact & Booking

You will find us right next to the cable car to Černá hora Mountain

Apartments Jestřáb 5

Luční 348, Janské Lázně, 

542 25

Booking on

Apartmán Jestřáb 5

+420 603 402 403

GPS: 50°37'51.7"N 15°46'07.4"E 

50.631029, 15.768715


Mgr. Barbora Stejskalová
IČO: 66554039
IČO Provozovny: 1012546438


Which data do we process? On the basis of your booking information (or information for stays without a booking), we process the following personal data:

  • Identification and contact details (full name, permanent address, identity card number or other document number and, where applicable, email address and telephone number);
  • For natural persons registered as a business: business registration status, registered address, Identification Number (IČO), Tax Identification Number (DIČ), VAT payer information.
  • For business trips of persons not registered as a business: information on the organization that arranged or paid for the booking;
  • Information on the purpose of your stay, or note that you are not subject to charges for a spa or leisure stay;
  • Information on your stay and the amount of payment (bank account number or payment card details);
  • For foreign nationals: date of birth, nationality, travel document number, visa number and permanent overseas address, in addition to the data above;
  • For guests using our car park: license plate number.

·On what basis and for what purpose do we process your personal information? - It is necessary to provide and process all of the above-mentioned personal data, save for email address and telephone number, so that we can comply with our legal obligations, in particular our obligations under the Act on Local Taxes and the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals on the Territory of the Czech Republic, as well as accounting and tax regulations. It is necessary to process your identification data, information on your stay and the amount of payment so that we can perform the contract relating to your stay; this involves arranging orders and bookings, and entering into and performing contracts concerning the accommodation that we offer. Failure to provide the data mentioned above means that we cannot provide you with our accommodation services. We process your full name, email address and information on your stay on the basis of our legitimate interest in direct marketing activities, the sole purpose of which is to send you marketing and commercial correspondence in terms of news, discounts, etc. Our guests do not doubt our services provided. If such a case occurred, we would be forced to process data regarding the provided services insofar as this is necessary for dealing with any dispute, solely for the purpose of protecting our rights in such a dispute. Similarly, we would also be forced to process all necessary data in the event of failure to pay for our services or any damage caused to us. We never perform automated decision making or otherwise process your personal data by any automated means that could produce legal effects for you or substantially affect you in any other way.

Source of personal data - We obtain all of the above information from you directly as part of contract negotiations and through the provision of accommodation services. Where another person has booked our services on your behalf (for business trips, this is usually an employer), we obtain your basic identification and contact details (including your full name and telephone number or email address) from that person directly. Where your booking is made through a bookings site, your basic identification and contact details (including your full name and telephone number or email address) are passed to us by that booking site.

How long do we process your personal data? - We process your personal data for the duration of your stay at our apartments. Once your stay is over, we will only process the following:

  • Data that we are under obligation to process by law, for the length of time required by law only (e.g. the accounting and tax documents we issue to you will also contain certain personal data regarding you (full name, type of service provided, document issue date)). We retain these documents for the sole purpose of fulfilling the obligations established in the relevant accounting and tax legislation, for the period set out in those regulations only.
  • Your full name, email address and information about your stay, for the direct marketing purposes (e.g. to send communications on news and sales of our services, etc.) until we are notified by you that you object or no longer consent to this processing.
  • Data necessary for the purposes of existing or threatened disputes. We will only process these data until a final decision has been made in the dispute and the obligations arising from the decisions have been fulfilled, or for the time in which a dispute regarding services provided could arise under applicable law.

Once this period has expired, we will periodically destroy your personal data both in paper and electronic form.

To whom do we transfer or disclose your personal data? - We do not transfer or disclose your personal data to any third parties save for public authorities in relation to which we have a statutory disclosure obligation (we typically process data under the Act on Local Taxes or the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals on the Territory of the Czech Republic). We use the services of processors which provide certain support services (e.g. providing online bookings or accounting services). This work is always carried out exclusively for us based on our own guidelines. In selecting each processor, we take care as to their credibility and quality of service, as well as the security of personal data processed. Processing may only be performed within the framework of contract between us and a processor that commits the processor to the same degree of personal data protection as is provided by us. At your request, we will inform you of all processors that we currently work with. Our processors have their headquarters and process personal data in the Czech Republic or in another EU country.

How do we guarantee data privacy? - All persons coming into contact with personal data at our end are duty-bound to maintain confidentiality over the personal data processed and over the security measures used for their protection. This obligation will continue even if their legal contract with us or the processor is terminated.

Your statutory rights - In accordance with the legislation in force as regards personal data protection, you have the following rights:

  • the right to access your personal data that we process, including the right to obtain the following information from us:
  • confirmation as to whether we process your personal data;
  • access to these personal data;
  • information on the purposes of the processing;
  • the categories of personal data processed;
  • information on the recipients or potential recipients to whom your personal data will be disclosed;
  • planned storage period and the criteria for establishing such period;
  • the existence of the right to request the rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data and the right to object to such processing;
  • the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority;
  • where the personal data are not collected from the data subject (from you), all available information as to their source;
  • whether or not any decision will be made based on automated processing, including profiling;
  • a copy of personal data, where these do not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
  • the right to correct your personal data if it is in any way incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete; we will correct your data within its technical capabilities without undue delay;
  • the right to request the erasure of your personal data where provided for by the GDPR - e.g. if you have refused consent or objected to processing, if the personal data is processed unlawfully or where the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were processed. In such an event, you may request the erasure of your personal data. However, this option does not apply if the processing is necessary to fulfil legal obligations and under certain other cases provided for by the GDPR;
  • the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data where provided for by the GDPR - e.g. where you contest the accuracy of the personal data, object to the processing, etc.
  • the right to the portability of the data you have provided to us, which we process by automated means on the basis of your consent, where their processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at your request. In such cases, we will allow you to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or, if technically feasible, we will transmit them directly to the new controller determined by you;
  • the right to object to the processing of your personal data where such processing is deemed necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests, including processing for direct marketing purposes. If we do not demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, then we shall no longer process your personal data.
  • the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you, except for the above-mentioned cases expressly stated in the GDPR.

Our contact details - If you have any queries or questions as regards the processing of your personal data, please email us at any time at our email.